Вот такое вот письмо мне пришло, когда я сказал что в принципе согласен нарисовать "request" если идея окажется интересной

Aww poor Shuichi =(.

The banner isn't really noticable, so you shouldn't worry too much

about it either ^^.

Hmm, for my request...

Well, I have this idea of a picture with Kouga (The wolf deamon from

Inuyasha), Inuyasha, Ranma and Ryoga all in the scene. Hmm, They're in a

hot spring, and Kouga is sitting on a rock which is in the hot springs.

Umm, this is kind of awkward, but If you don't mind me getting all


So Kouga's sitting on a rock that is in the spring, and he's all

sweaty. Um, I think he should be lifting Ryoga onto his erection (**'.'**).

So so far in the scene, there's a steamy hot springs with a sweaty

Kouga lifting a sweaty Ryoga onto his erection with two arms. Ryoga would

probably have his eyes closed and a timid expression on his face. Ryoga

would have his arms on Kouga's shoulders to help Kouga lift him. Kouga

would have a hungry grin on his face, an expression that says 'do you

like that?' They are both on a rock. The two would be on the left side

of the picture.

On the right side of the picture I would like to see Ranma and

Inuyasha. What should they be doing? Hmm... I know! I'm gonna bring in a fifth

character, Miroku! So on the right side of the picture, Miroku and

Inuyasha are lifting ranma, Miroku is lifting Ranma by Ranma's left leg,

Inuyasha it lifting ranma by ranma's right leg. So Ranma's legs are very

far apart because of Ranma's weight pulling him down. Um, Miroku would

be lifting ranma's left leg with Miroku's left hand, and inserting a...

a stick... into ranma's ass... (- '.' -) Miroku would have a similar

expression as Kouga's, a grin that seems to say 'do you like that?'.

Ranma would have Ranma's right hand (our left) on Miroku's shoulder.

Ranma would have half closed eyes and an expression of pleasure on his

face. Inuyasha, on the right side of Ranma, would be holding Ranma's Right

leg with both arms. Inuyasha would have a gentle, romantic expression

on his face and would be licking ranma's leg. Inuyasha's siliva would br

slowly trickling down ranma's leg to Ranma's foot. The whole picture

would be steamy and sweaty.

Uh... Wow that was really awkeward for me to type. If it's too graphic

for you to draw, please just tell me. Please excuse the graphic typing,

I'm so embarassed *blush blush*

Also, I still have the question, do you draw characters from other

anime? If not, I'm fine.

20.05.2005 в 19:16

:D :D :D


20.05.2005 в 19:47

английский - сакс! русский рулит!

-*ничего не понял и пошел дальше
20.05.2005 в 21:58

:horror: :horror: :horror:
22.05.2005 в 01:56

Да.... пославший письмо еще не вспомнил остальные Такахасиевские работы. Иначе первонажей на картинке было бы больше =)